Disability and Domestic Abuse – an LGBT perspective

Thursday 11 June 2015, 13:30 – 16:30pm, London

Disability and domestic abuse is a toxic combination with heightened risks and additional barriers to reporting. The new Serious Crimes Act which received royal assent in March 2015, included criminalising coercive control for the first time. Coercive control concerns patterns of behaviour which cause mental and emotional harm rather than physical. These can include threats, intimidation, and restrictions of someone’s financial or personal freedom.

Criminalising coercive control was a move was welcomed by many campaigners working to end DVA. But a last minute amendment has complicated matters. The amendment could give a carer/perpetrator a legal argument that abusive behaviours were in the disabled person’s best interests.

This workshop delivered in partnership with Stay Safe East, will focus on LGBT domestic abuse and disability within the current legal context.

The aims of the workshop are:

  • Learn about barriers to reporting for LGBT disabled people
  • Learn about coercive control within relationship involving LGBT disabled people
  • Give an overview of evidence of need,  gaps in date and reasons why gaps exist
  • Give steps to take when working with LGBT disabled survivors of domestic abuse

This event is taking place at The Graeae Theatre, Bradbury Studios, 138 Kingsland Road, E2 8DY London.

Register for your free place and find out more information here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/disability-and-domestic-abuse-an-lgbt-perspective-tickets-16534207259?aff=es2


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