IDAHOBIT Day Croydon 2015

Saturday 16 May 2015, 11:00am – 16:00pm, Croydon

Organised by the Croydon LGBT network, this all-day event celebrates the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The day is organised as follows:

11am Write your own Pride chant or group discussion on social media campaigning – unconference stylee!

12 noon – Rainbow Reading Group open discussion – exploration of the impact of LGBTI literature: history, definitions, liberation. Bring your ideas and quotes along to share…  or Interview-recording of LGBT asylum seekers, plus comments from allies (do contribute), for a Croydon Radio mini documentary.

1.00pm: Buffet lunch; visit local LGBT and other organisations’ stands.

1.45pm: Tribute to our local LGBT police liaison officers, celebrating their work in preventing and combatting LGBT hate crime.

2.00pm–4.00pm: Singing workshop for all our voices: learn harmony songs of relevance to our LGBT asylum seekers. Final recording, with Rainbows Across Borders Chorus, to be featured on Croydon Radio.


This event is taking place in the Community Space, Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA.

Book your free place or find out more information here:

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