Hate Crime

Thursday 11 February 2016, 19:00-20:30pm, Nottingham


In celebration of LGBT History Month 2016, please join the University of Nottingham Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice and Five Leaves Bookshop for a discussion focusing on LGBT rights and hate crime.

What is the rate of hate crime in Nottingham, and in the UK in general? Why do people avoid reporting it, and what can people within and outside the LGBT community do to spread awareness but also prevent crime? Over the course of the evening, David Edgeley from Rainbow Heritage will discuss how barriers to coming out affect the rate of reporting hate crime, and Sam Hope (an activist on LGBT rights) will focus on their work in campaigning against hate crime in Nottingham.


This event is taking place at Five Leaves Bookshop, 14a Long Row West Nottingham, NG1 2DH.

Find out more information and register for your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hate-crime-tickets-20101714770?aff=es2

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